PPTP Client CVS The complete source code for the PPTP Client project is kept on SourceForge in a CVS repository. To browse the source, use the SourceForge CVS browser. To download the current CVS version, use anonymous CVS. The module pptp-linux will get you all the sources to build the pptp program. Another module is pptp-extras. For example:
Developers who need commit access should join the pptpclient-devel mailing list. CVS Commits Mailing List Subscribe to the pptpclient-commits mailing list and you will receive messages from the CVS server when another developer commits. You can also browse the online archive.
CVS Tags Tags are useful for developers. There are two types of tags. Upstream source and release tags. Upstream source tags are set by the person who brings in the upstream version of ppp or ppp-mppe, and are not expected to move. This is because we are not the authoritative maintainer for those two packages; we're just generating a package ourselves. Upstream source tags at the moment are
Release tags at the moment are
The web site content is not maintained in CVS. It is centrally maintained by James Cameron, using an rsync to the SourceForge project shell server farm. Developers who wish to contribute changes should register, fetch an initial copy of the directory, make a local duplicate, and then issue patches to James.
James (or whoever has been granted central control) then applies the patches and uploads the master copy using rsync.
James welcomes effort to move this stuff to CVS and have it automatically updated on the SourceForge shell servers. Either that, or an instance of the Moin Wiki with PHP page pull-ins using readfile().